On Saturday evening March 18, 2017 “Dogma 4” conference for priests and minister custodians was held at the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center, in cooperation between the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and the Youth bishopric.
The meeting began with holding Holy Cross vesper, in the presence of Their Eminences Anba Moussa General Bishop of youth, Anba Raphel General Bishop of Downtown Cairo Churches and Secretary of the Holy Synod, Anba Agathon, Bishop of Maghagha and Adwa. After the vesper Anba Moussa started “Dogma 4” conference attended by bishops, ministers. His grace spoke about the importance of creed conferences “Dogma”. The conference included some hymns like “My Coptic Church” hymn, which was intoned by Anba Moussa.
During the conference, HG Bishop Agathon, Bishop of Meghagha and Adwa, spoke about “Fathers Emancipation in the Teaching of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.” HG Bishop Benyamin Archbishop of Monoufia spoke about “Modern heresies and response”, Anba Raphel General Bishop of Downtown Cairo Churches and Secretary of the Holy Synod spoke about “Between inheriting death by falling and inheriting the kingdom with redemption” and Fr. Pavelie Morris spoke about “deceptive names” .
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Cross feast vesper at the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center before “Dogma 4” conference
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