In the previous article, we continued dealing with Khumarawayh’s rule over Egypt until his death, and the succession of his son “Gaish”.
Abu al-Asakir Gaish Ibn Khumarawayh 282 – 283 AH (896 AD)
Abu al-Asakir Gaish Ibn Abi Al Gaish Khumarawayh took over Egypt and the Levant after the assassination of his father, he wasn’t given pledge of allegiance by senior army commanders because he lacked money needed to shower the commanders with. This was due to the extravagance of Khumarawayh specially in his daughter’s wedding, however, some army commanders gave pledge of allegiance to him despite his young age and little experience, as he was 14 years old!
When Gaish took over, he indulged in pleasures with other lads, who became his tribe, and had a negative effect on his rule. Their first incitement was against his uncle, Abi Al Asha’er, that he ordered to kill him. When people uncovered his deed, they disowned him and wished his rule to come to an end. He also abandoned the affairs of his people and commanders, things went badly until his senior commanders left him, and departed to Kufa, where the Caliph welcomed them and showered them with gifts.
In the meantime, things got worse in Egypt, amidst Gaish’s indulging in pleasures, the Prince of Damascus and the Prince of Seaports revolted against him and ousted him, yet he didn’t care about that. While his father’s soldiers, observing the situation the country had reached, agreed together on ousting Gaish from Egypt’s rule, arrested him and brought him to their council, where he acknowledged his inability to rule the country.
In another narrative, the soldiers after observing his indifference to the country affairs, asked him to step down from power, and that his uncle “Nasr” would be assigned to the power, yet he killed his uncle Nasr and his other uncle and threw their heads to the soldiers! So the soldiers killed him and his mother, looted what he possessed, and assigned his brother Harun instead.
A third narrative indicates that Egyptians were discontent with him as a king, calling for his brother Harun to rule instead, so, Harun killed Gaish and took over the country, and more narratives are found. The death of Gaish came several months – reported to be five or seven – after his rule, and it was during the reign of Caliph Al Mu’tadid Billah.
Caliph Al-Mu’tadid Billah 272-289 AH (892-902 AD)
He is Abu Al Abbas Ahmad Ibn Abi Al-Muwaffaq. He was preoccupied with war affairs and the state work during the life of his father Al Muwaffaq, Afterwards, Al Muwaffaq managed to make him the crown prince before his own death. After the ousting of Al Mufawwad, the son of Al Mu’tamid – as we mentioned earlier, he ascended to power and Caliphate after the death of his uncle, Al Mu’tamid.
He was known for his courage and bravery; he managed to restore some of the Abbasid state’s old glory, and was able to restore some of the states and territories that were lost. He also managed to eliminate revolutions, strifes and unrest in a number of countries; however, he was inclined to bloodshed that historians called him “the Second Bloodthirsty”!
He carried out a number of reforms in the state, especially regarding inheritances and bequests affairs, he dissolved the Council of Inheritances, which had caused great suffering then, and this made Al Mu’tadid the praise of his citizens. He also made the “Mu’tadid’s Calendar” and changed the beginning of the tax year from March to June. He stopped celebrating the Persian Nayrouz (New Year), which was being celebrated greatly in the country, and set fixed dates for tax collecting in the months of fruits and yields.
Ibn al-Atheer, the historian states: “In the year 282 AH, Al Mu’tadid ordered all departments and the entire country to abandon the land tax opening celebrated in the Persian Nayrouz, and to let it be delayed until June, 11, and he called it “Al Mu’tadid’s Nayrouz”. Statements were written including that and sent from Al Mosul…”
Stories never end in beautiful Egypt
General Bishop
Head of Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center