Friday, September 20, 2024

Drawing course for Kids

Parents think that drawing wastes time and negatively affects the level of study, but actually drawing helps parents gauge the mental development of the child and age appropriate development, and studies have shown that drawing develops children solving problems and critical thinking skills, which improve their school grades.

The Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center is aware that drawing not just for entertainment and has more than one benefit, for your child, so we offer courses for children delivered by specialists in this field.

The drawing course helps your child learn the basics of drawing and colors and how they are harmonious with each other and open the child’s perception and develop his creativity.

The course offers opportunities to meet new friends, share drawings with others and develop social skills.

The child can also participate in school competitions and receive prizes and encouragement, which increases his self-confidence
And create career opportunities in the future as most designers have learned drawing since young age.


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