The Administrative Judicial Court, headed by Counselor Samy Darwish, Deputy Chief of State Council, on Monday decided to refer three lawsuits, including two relating to the Christian sects, filed by Dr. Nabil Louqa Bebawy, to the Commissioners’ Authority to prepare their legal opinion.
The first lawsuit demands: Formation of a Committee of Elderly Priests and Legal team from the three Christian sects, added to whom any judiciary the Ministry of Justice chooses, to re-examine the bill for a law of Family Affairs for Non-Muslims, to avoid issuing sentences that conflict with Egyptian courts specializing in Family Affairs for Non-Christians.
The second lawsuit demands: Commitment of the Cabinet to form a higher committee of Al-Azhar and Cathedral scholars to lay down the main lines of what is known as the “Law of Houses of Worship in Egypt”, in order to fulfill the Constitution. The Court decided to refer the case to the State Commissioners’ Authority of the Court, to prepare a report on their opinion.