Conference of the inauguration of the Egyptian family house in Mahalla in the presence of the Governor of Gharbia, HG Bishop Ermia and HG Bishop Karras
Conference of the inauguration of the Egyptian family house in Mahalla was held on February 6, 2018, in the presence of Major General Ahmed Deif Saqr, Governor of Al Gharbia, HG Bishop Ermia General Bishop, head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and Assistant Secretary General of the Egyptian Family House, Dr. Mohamed Abu Zeid Al-Amir, General Coordinator of the Egyptian Family House, HG Bishop Karras, Bishop of Mahalla, Samanoud,and a delegation from the Church, with the participation of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Nagar, Head of the Central Administration of Al-Azhar Al Sharif, a delegation of Clerics (Seikhs), Dr. Magdy Sabaa, President of Tanta University, Mr. Ahmas abd elSamie Head of Mahalla City, Parliament deputies, and some of the executive and security leaders and public figures.
His Grace Bishop Karas, Bishop of Mahalla and Samannoud, delivered a speech in which he stressed that the Egyptian family house will be a lighthouse to uphold the old Egyptian human values and revive communication between all and acceptance of the other.
Dr. Magdi Abu Zeid, general coordinator of the Egyptian family home, said that the Egyptian family house preserves the national unity of the brethren of Egypt.
HG Bishop Ermia thanked the Governor of Gharbia for his continuous full support to the Egyptian Family House and confirmed that the role of the Egyptian Family House is to show the tolerance of the people of Egypt, His Grace added that with peace people enjoy tranquility and the world is transformed into a jungle when peace is absent.
The speeches were interspersed with artistic and lyrical entr’acte from the choir of Freire School.
At the end of the conference, the members of the Egyptian family home granted a shield to the Governor of Gharbia and to His Grace Bishop Karras, Bishop of Mahalla and Samannoud, as well as to a number of attendees.