Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Italian Artists Maurizio Meldolesi Gallery

The Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center believes in the importance of opening up to other cultures for the development of thought and knowledge. His Grace Bishop Ermia, General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center, and Mr. “Paulo Sapatini” head of the Italian Cultural Institute in Cairo and Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Italy, opened on Monday 8 of February a religious art gallery of the international Italian artist Maurizio Meldolesi, that includes portraits of Jesus, the Lady, St. Virgin Mary, and other saints and that in the framework of cooperation between the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and the Italian Cultural Center.

At the opening of the gallery, HG Bishop Ermia and Mr. Paulo Sapatini gave a speech. Then came the word of “Maurizio Mildolisi”.

The Italian artist Maurizio Meldolesi gave a picture of Pope Tawadros II
and HG Bishop Ermia presented the center’s shield to Mr. Paulo Sapatini.

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