Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center Goals

  • Preserving and spreading Coptic heritage, rich in history and culture, benefitting scholars and researchers in Egypt and worldwide, via rendering accessible to researchers all branches of Coptic knowledge, such as Coptic art, architecture, language, literature, Church history, Fathers’ accounts and Ecumenical studies.
  • Motivating new generations, instilling a sense of identity and awareness based on Coptic beliefs and culture.
  • Documenting and revealing the value of old abbeys in the history of Egypt and Christian tradition worldwide, considering that Egyptian monasticism is the earliest root of monasticism the world over.
  • Endorsing the Ecumenical Movement in accordance with the genuine tradition and doctrine of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
  • Raising the motto “From the heart of the Church to the heart of Egypt”, as a bridge of communication between the Church and both the Egyptian and international society.
  • Acting as a comprehensive beacon of knowledge for researchers and those interested in all branches of general knowledge and cultures.
  • Representing the seed of open interactions between the Church and other cultures, enabling researchers to access sources of information in every branch of knowledge.
  • Offering humanitarian services.
  • Assisting the ailing, needy and handicapped.
  • Defining the significance of Egypt’s Coptic history over the ages.
  • Elucidating the history of monasticism in Egypt and its global role.
  • Discovering, forming, developing and building human resource cadres.
  • Offering variegated educational services in line with the Center’s goals