HG Anba Demian statement about purchasing the first Coptic school in Europe in the presence of HG Anba Ermia
HG Anba Demian statement about purchasing the first Coptic school in Europe in the presence of HG Anba Ermia
HG Anba Demian statement about purchasing the first Coptic school in Europe in the presence of HG Anba Ermia
His Eminence Anba Demian, Bishop of North Germany, signed in mid-May 2017 the contract for the purchase of the first Coptic ...
Wael al-Ebrashy, interviewed a Christian student, who her hair had been cut by a veiled women at school. He stressed that terrorism is ...
Dr. Ayman Abdel Moneim, Sohag governor, retracted the decision to launch the name of martyr Capt. Ihab Ibrahim Georgi on basic ...
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